About Us

Sicilian Holidays Tour, your guide tour in Sicily to discover the hidden secrets in a unique and personalized way.

Discover the heart of Sicily with Sicilian Holidays Tour, founded by passionate locals Rosario and Antonella. As ardent lovers of our homeland, we’re not just offering tours—we’re sharing an authentic and personalized journey through the beauty of Sicily.

Our focus goes beyond being tourism experts; it’s about unveiling the unique charm of Sicily through our deep connection and commitment to detail. Whether you prefer Villas, Resorts, B&Bs, or Hotels, we provide a diverse range of accommodations. But Sicilian Holidays Tour isn’t just about where you stay; it’s about the entire experience.

Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Sicilian life with our carefully crafted tours, experiences, and the expertise of knowledgeable guides or travel companions. Let us tailor your adventure to your interests, ensuring an unforgettable and genuine Sicilian experience.

Join us as we open the doors to the hidden treasures of Sicily, guided by the warmth of our love for this extraordinary land. Sicilian Holidays Tour invites you to embark on a journey beyond the ordinary.



Discover Sicily's beauty without overspending. Affordable prices guaranteed.



Experience Sicilian hospitality with high-quality accommodations and services.



Immerse yourself in Sicily's beauty and culture. Unforgettable experience.



Explore Sicily with a knowledgeable and friendly local guide.

"Sicilian Holidays Tour, discover the hidden secrets of Sicily"